Hey dani *twirls hair* thankyou for being the coolest person in my friend list and NOT dumping me whenever i yap about something, you’re literally the only one that stayed up to this point LOL im SO glad that its you. Even though there were days where i felt like you hated me and my guts and you wanted me DEAD dead, i love it when we go on calls because you somehow sound better on calls, honestly id love to go on one soon for eight hours this time, i really liked that one time where we drew together and gossiped like mean losers but.. Its Okay its passed :heart: and also when we played roblox, my parents literally barged in, they told me that i sound like a maniac….I dont know if ive ever told you this before, but when we first met (in seni ‘23 LIKE A COUPLE OF MINUTES BEFORE THE TEACHER ENDED THE ZOOM) i was REAAAALLLY contemplating if i should dm you or not, i kept deleting my message and writing it again but then my fingers slipped and i felt embarrassed (i thought i sounded like a loser) but i'm glad my fingers slipped, because if not for that months would slip by with crap (sorry i had to), well then.. I suppose thats all i have, goodluck for the future and i hope everything will be okay in your PERSONAL personal life kissy kiss kiss kissery kiss kiss and i hope we could talk more too since i know youve been super busy im pretty sure, hope we could call soon bae kissy kiss kiss

Your second brain cell, Linny
FISHY. HIIIII what IS UP HOWVE YOU BEEENNN omg we like barely talk UFGH im too shy to text you first because id always think that you hate me and my guts too…. Ssniffle sniffle but everytime we talk its always fun.. purple [redacted]..... I still remember you saying that i sounded like a prsk player (i felt like i was violated) but we somehow managed to talk til today (kind of…….) the day where we half assed our tematik project was fun (i fell asleep a lil hihi) (wait is it okay to tell this uhmm) (idk.) i like the part where we put the padlet link in the very last slide where there was “We love Kazuki and value him as much as we value your opinions on this presentation!” and then a picture of a squished kazuki on a tv, and the part where we did the refleksi, i dont know why but i was like laughing so much…. GOD I MISS THOSE DAYS UUUFHGH, and one last thing thanks for staying with me AND NOT LEAVE ME IN THE TRENCHES ALONE :heart: this is it.. This is IT (for the letter not our friendship please no NO NO NO) ill leave you here, i dont know whats happening in your life recently but i hope everything goes well

Purple [redacted], cakey.
Hi aerish, how’s your day? I hope its going well, like when we first met and our daily chats.. I don't really know what to say here.. Not in a bad way at least, we don't have anything in common but yet I smile everytime a notification from you comes in. It really has been a while since ive talked and tried to become friends with anyone, we’d end up frozen on each others’ text trying to think of an answer or another topic to talk about not wanting to end our conversation. I dont know how to act in front of you to be honest, it hasnt been long since we’ve met anyways.. im trying to keep my best behavior so I wont only wish that we could’ve become closer. I hope everythings going well with your dance, ill be here cheering you up behind the screen.

from yours truly, Lin.
HIIII SEKARLA i met you in homeroom 8 when i knew you like malice mizer i honestly was shocked like wow A MALICE MIZER FAN IN SMM??!?!?! But, since we both were busy we didnt really have the time to get to know each other a lot but omg its so fun to talk to you, and i often see you in like class (special narasumber, lintas jenjang, and normal classes) and i literally do NAWT understand how you do it, but thats liek so awesome and i hope it will always go well, i hope we could get to know each other more beside malice mizer :3

Tetsu’s number one fan, Lin.
Hey? Flo, it's been a long time since we last talked. I saw you being a member of a sekbid last year, I hope that was fun!! We used to talk a lot, I still remember me talking about our summative in 7th grade in november before we suddenly grew apart lol, i dont think youll see this letter. I think you're in the same extracurricular as me, but im not too sure. I hope everythings great, i wish we had the chance to be closer.

That one girl you met, Lin.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Lemon drops chocolate bar danish sugar plum apple pie icing caramels. I love cookie I love carrot cake lemon drops powder. Marzipan dragée wafer wafer cupcake chocolate bar donut. Biscuit lollipop apple pie sugar plum lemon drops shortbread. Apple pie marzipan jujubes cheesecake croissant. I love candy canes I love soufflé bonbon macaroon. Powder lemon drops powder pastry I love gingerbread jelly-o. I love toffee cotton candy tart jelly-o candy chocolate cake caramels soufflé. I love jelly beans cake danish donut.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Lemon drops chocolate bar danish sugar plum apple pie icing caramels. I love cookie I love carrot cake lemon drops powder. Marzipan dragée wafer wafer cupcake chocolate bar donut. Biscuit lollipop apple pie sugar plum lemon drops shortbread. Apple pie marzipan jujubes cheesecake croissant. I love candy canes I love soufflé bonbon macaroon. Powder lemon drops powder pastry I love gingerbread jelly-o. I love toffee cotton candy tart jelly-o candy chocolate cake caramels soufflé. I love jelly beans cake danish donut.